AST Networks Cybersecurity Promise

Remote Connectivity. Secure Networks.

AST Networks takes your cybersecurity seriously. The maritime environment has suffered a series of high-profile cyber-attacks recently, which has prompted the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to implement ‘Resolution MSC.428(98).

Cybersecurity challenges encountered in the marine industry, closely mirror those encountered in everyday office settings. Prioritising risk management, crew training, and implementing protocols to detect and respond to such risks, are crucial steps for mitigating threats and ensuring uninterrupted vessel operations.

Our Approach. Your Security

We have based our cyber risk management approach as set out in ‘The Guidelines on Cybersecurity Onboard Ships’.

  • Respond & Recover

    Address cybersecurity incidents by utilising the contingency place for response and recovery. Evaluate the effectiveness of the response plan by assessing its impact, then re-evaluate the existing vulnerabilities.

  • Identify Threats

    Identify the external cybersecurity risks facing the ship, as well as internal threats stemming from improper use and insufficient knowledge and awareness.

  • Establish Contingency Plans

    Create a meaningful contingency plan, mitigating potential cyber threats.

  • Identify Vulnerabilities

    Create lists of onboard systems equipped with both direct, and indirect communication connections, and comprehend the potential impacts of cyber-attacks on these systems. Familiarise yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of current protective measures.

  • Develop Protection & Detection Measures

    Limit the risks of vulnerabilities by implementing best-practice protection strategies and reduce any potential influence of being exposed.

Our Commitment. Your Security.

AST Networks recognises that cybersecurity is vital in today’s connected world, and never more so than when your crews are operating in some of the remotest and harshest environments across the globe. Our promise is to deliver connectivity that safeguards vessels and crew, this is backed by more than 30 years expertise in managing complex hybrid solutions.

While individual vessel operators are responsible for meeting their obligations to IMO compliance, we provide a range of tools and options that assist with building a custom cybersecurity response.

AST Networks Cybersecurity Promise

Our cybersecurity promise reduces your risk to threats through built-in intelligent hardware and network controls.

    • Terminal Security

    • Terrestial Network

    • Security Configurations

    • Enterprise-grade Managed Firewall

    • Protected Internet Egress

    • Satellite Networks

    Why AST Networks?

    With more than 30 years’ expertise in providing remote connectivity solutions across the globe tailored to our customers specific needs, we are committed to innovation and technological advancements, guaranteeing access to cutting-edge solutions that keep you seamlessly connected in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Our dedication to customer support ensures prompt assistance and resolution, giving you peace of mind, 24/7, 365 days of the year.

    Are you ready to talk?
    • Dedicated account manager
    • 24 / 7 support
    • Custom solutions
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