High Throughput Satellite Ka-band payload makes it the ideal VSAT primary satellite solution for crew welfare and critical business operations – providing outstanding performance and reliability across the North Sea Red Sea, Baltic Sea, North Atlantic, Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea, plus the main European shipping lanes.
THOR 7 KA-band service benefits:
Land-based access services offer both fixed and transportable solutions, depending on your requirements, and are ideally suited for use by voice carriers, large ISPs, government bodies, military and corporate organisations – all of which require reliable communication links with remote internet services for critical operations.
Maritime-based HTS Ka-band payloads, providing regional coverage with a favourable look angle over the main European shipping lanes providing unprecedented high-power performance for critical maritime communications.
Coverage includes popular maritime routes including:
AST Networks is a trusted partner of Telenor, offering up to 40% discount* off Thor 7 services, with a range of bandwidths available and unlimited usage.